Plate In 28

Let’s take the stress out of meal time!

Find the perfect recipe + make the included activity = drama free dinner!


Find Your Recipe

Choose a quick and delicious recipe to make in 28 minutes or less.


Find Your Activity

Set your kids up with a fun, easy craft so you can cook uninterrupted.


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Discover kitchen shortcuts and hacks to make mealtime less complicated.

I want to make a meal with…

Julie, Marcie and their mother standing in kitchen hugging and smiling.
Marcie smiling in kitchen.

Marcie’s Loving…

“Weeknights have been particularly chaotic recently, so I’ve been working on recipes that require 5 ingredients or less! My kids love helping out, especially when it comes time to taste-test!”

Taco Soup with Dry Ranch

Pop-Up Paper Peppers

Julie smiling in kitchen.

Julie’s Loving…

“Lately my daughter’s been trying different seasonings on things like eggs and potatoes. Sometimes the result is amazing; sometimes not so much, haha. But I love to see her experiment!”

While I cook my kids can…

spaghetti tuna casserole
two Easter tins with jelly beans on grass

My picky eater might eat meals with…